Brittany Valentine 

Brittany Valentine is a graphic artist and illustrator based in Brooklyn, New York. She currently holds a BFA in Communications Design with an emphasis in Graphic Design.


  1. Objects of Affection

  2. Engraved Insights

  3. G Spot

  4. Swan Lamp

  5. Cutting Edge Shapes!


  1. Kill Bill
  2. Sonic Bunnies

︎︎︎Textile & Print 


  1. End of New York

  2. Sinister Stairs 

  3. Kissing Teddies 

  4. Mask Booklet

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Sonic Bunnies

Silkscreen on Bristol 19’’x24’’
Sonic Bunnies | 2022
While learning silkscreen techniques such as blends (waterfalls), and CMYK printing, I used Michael Kelly’s photography for Sonic Youth’s 1992 album to play around with these new skills.